Did you know that your brain can’t feel any pain? There are no pain receptors in it.
What Should I Tell My Child Before the Visit?
Most children are just relieved to know that there won’t be any shots! Many parents like to tell their child a little about what they’ll be doing. Explain to them that they’ll be working with someone one-on-one and will be doing a lot of different things like answering questions, drawing, putting together puzzles, listening, playing games, and talking about the things they like and don’t like.
What Will the Neuro-psychological Report Tell Me?
You will review the results of the assessment at your feedback appointment, and a full report will follow.
The neuropsychological report will summarize your child’s history, the reason for the assessment, the results of the assessment, your child’s strengths and weaknesses and recommendations for home, school and other care providers.
What Happens in Therapy?
Parents and children work with their psychologist to find better ways of doing things, build skills, and solve problems you might be experiencing in everyday life. The amount of parent involvement depends on the age of the child and reason for therapy.
Every person has about 70,000 thoughts each day!
What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?
A neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of your child’s cognitive abilities, or how well a child’s brain is processing information. We assess multiple domains of cognitive function including very broad areas such as intellectual abilities and academic achievement. We also assess more specific cognitive abilities such as verbal processing, nonverbal (or visual) processing, executive function (e.g., organization, behavioral regulation, planning, foresight, response inhibition, problem-solving, reasoning, sequencing, etc.), memory and different types of memory, attention and different types of attention, behavioral function and social-emotional function.
Will my Insurance Pay For the Assessment?
In many cases, your insurance will cover all or part of the assessment, but coverage varies by plan and by the insurance company.
How Do I Know if My Insurance Company Will Pay for the Testing?
We will be happy to contact your insurance company to determine your coverage for a neuropsychological assessment. You many click here to submit information we need to verify your benefits, call our billing and insurance office (HMS Midwest) at 219-926-8320, or call the Dirksen Center at 847-357-9158.
How do I Schedule an Appointment?
Call the Dirksen Center at 847-357-9158.
Will my Child have to Miss School?
Your child will probably need to miss 1 or 2 days of school in order to complete the assessment. We do not currently conduct assessments on Saturdays or in the evenings due to time constraints. Whenever possible, we are glad to schedule all or part of the assessment on a day that your child does not have school (e.g., institute day, school holiday).
Will I receive Paperwork to Complete Before the Appointment?
What Should I Bring with me to the Assessment?
How should I prepare my Child for the Assessment?
What should I tell my Child about the Assessment?
What is the Process of the Assessment? How does it Work?
After testing is completed, a feedback appointment is scheduled for about 3-4 weeks later. Your child does not need to come to the feedback appointment. The feedback appointment is a discussion between the neuropsychologist and parents about what the results of the testing mean, and if there is a diagnosis, what that diagnosis means. It’s an opportunity for parents to ask any questions they might have or address any concerns. At the feedback, your neuropsychologist will review the results of the assessment, talk with you about what the results mean, and discuss recommendations for home/school/ other treatment. The feedback appointment takes about 45 minutes, sometimes longer as the need dictates, and a full report will follow.
Will I have a Chance to Talk Privately with the Neuropsychologist?
Will the Neuropsychologist Send the Results to my Child's School?
Do I have to Stay while Testing is Underway?
How will I Get the Results?
What will the Neuropsychological Report Tell me?
The brain is actually also surrounded by fluid, which means it kind of floats in the liquid. This protects the brain from any bumps and knocks and also helps to keep sickness at bay.
Therapy FAQ
Will my Insurance Pay For Therapy?
In many cases, your insurance will cover all or part of psychotherapy, but coverage varies by plan and by the insurance company.
How do I know if my Insurance Company will Pay for Psychotherapy?
How do I Schedule an Appointment?
Call the Dirksen Center at 847-357-9158.
Will my Child have to Miss School?
Your child will probably not need to miss school, as most appointments are scheduled during after-school hours. Some psychologists may have weekend hours available.
Will I Receive Paperwork to Complete Before the Appointment?
Yes. You will receive paperwork through the mail or be instructed to download it prior to the first appointment.
How should I Prepare my Child for the Psychotherapy?
What is the Process of the Psychotherapy? How Does it Work?
Will I have a Chance to Talk Privately with the Psychologist?
Will my Psychologist Talk with my Child’s School or Physician?
Do I Have to Stay while Therapy is Underway?
Yes. We require that a parent/guardian be present. You do not need to stay if your child is 18 or older.
Did you know that your emotions affect all sorts of things like memory, learning, attention, and how fast you can process information? It’s true!
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